Per Person 100.00
  • Autumn-Winter
  • Spring-Summer
  • Outdoor
  • Small groups




Sport is at the base of this training camp. The activity is aimed at people who already have some sports experience or who want to challenge themselves, thanks to the strength of the group. The location should be chosen together based on availability and time available.
It can also be organized at the lake, near a river, or near the sea (upon request).

But it is not enough to build the village, it is also necessary to defend the village and tribe from external attacks, as well as prepare for escape. We will organize competitions among the inhabitants of the tribe to determine the best fighters, builders, thinkers. The activities to be overcome also define the strength level of the village; so it is important that everyone gives their best! The more points you get, the more the village grows and evolves; so it is important that everyone gives their best!

The wind has brought you far away. You need to build a village that protects the tribe and train the villagers. Everyone will do their part. From building the shelter, to building the bow, to lighting the fire, to searching for food. The forest welcomes you and provides shelter; we will build an emergency bivouac, learn to light a fire with primitive methods (mushroom and/or flint and/or bow drill), and eat around the campfire cooking in trapper mode with rations provided by us (or found on site). But it is not enough to build the village, it is also necessary to defend the village and tribe from external attacks, as well as prepare for escape. We will organize competitions among the inhabitants of the tribe to determine the best fighters, builders, thinkers. The activities to be overcome also define the strength level of the village; so it is important that everyone gives their best! The more points you get, the more the village grows and evolves.