Per Person 180.00
  • Italian style
  • Most required
  • Small groups
  • on wheels

CAR VINTAGE - city tour



You get on board and face the first proves; but all without any effort! In fact, this original tour is on wheels and its objective is to make you enjoy the beauties of Rome. You will departure from you hotel. The "hunt" for the most evocative places in Rome and outside Rome, reported by our App.

The people will be welcomed by vintage cars. Then... let's go to Rome. There are different stops where you can taste wines, discovering all the shades of colours and taste. Afterwards, the tour starts again but this time with a different car and a different team: experience new trips and friends! 

Particular attention is given to the photos to take, to the Street Food stops, to the most evocative corners of Rome and outsider Rome, before proceeding along the Via dei Laghi, to reach the last stop: a typical "fraschetta" of the Castelli Romani.