MURALES street art

Per Person
  • Outdoor
  • Italian style
  • Creative
  • Small groups

MURALES - artists for a day 



Street Art is a widely spread movement of Contemporary Art, which gathers more and more admirers, thanks also to the images shared on the web of artworks created in urban spaces all over the world.

The Museum of Urban Art in Rome is an urban project aimed at establishing an open-air museum of Street Art works, thanks to the intervention of artists from all over the world.

It is of fundamental importance that the groups participating in the "Street Art Events" are always aware that it is also thanks to their financial contribution in the form of donation that this complex and articulated cultural, artistic, and social project can be carried forward, not financed by public or private entities. The workshops aim at stimulating the participants to create their own artworks in collaboration with the project's artists.


After selecting the area, for example a school or a wall in a degraded neighborhood, the artwork to recreate is decided. The artists start the artwork and the participants contribute to its creation by intervening on parts of the artwork itself. The choice of the location to intervene is essential for the realization of the artwork and requires time for social relations related to the area, whether it be a wall, a school, a church, or a market. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a timing adequate to establish contact with the various references, as well as to request the necessary permits.
Given the difficulty of obtaining permits for the realization, the project must be presented well in advance and it is necessary to wait for authorization before making the reservation